How Can You Future Proof Your Life?
Nov 28, 2021Well I am back after a few weeks away from blogging. This week I have chosen the theme of 'How can you Future Proof you Life'? We hear from one of our Master Practitioners who has used NLP to do just that. And, an important announcement. So stick around for the whole event! First let's hear from Rak...
My name is Rak Ladwa, I am a full-time landlord and investor and I’ve also just turned 50! I chose NLP as a tool to help me overcome blocks from the past and limiting decisions in the present. I wanted to think more positively, to have focus, overcome daily challenges and also set my goals and ambitions for the future.
I’ve known for a long time that certain events from the past have always haunted me daily, events from my childhood, growing up in my teenage years and throughout my young adulthood. Recently in the last 10 years, I was challenged by family politics that's left me in a state that I had experienced growing up of self-worthlessness, and at this point, I began to manifest lesions on my body, became mentally unbalanced and found myself reacting harshly to anyone that was trying to reach out to me.
So where does NPL come into this you may be asking, well like a plumber who has tools to fix different leaks on different pipes, boilers, radiators and so on, NLP gives you the tools to help you overcome your demons and see things differently. It helps you to understand why we react the way we do and why we choose to feel the way we do. Ultimately it is a choice, a personal choice, that we make on how we react, what we feel and what we choose to believe what others are thinking.
So, I am a film buff, the best way I can describe my NLP journey is from the movie The Matrix when Morpheus gives Neo the red pill to help him discover the truth…. in this case, that you are in control of your life.
Since completing my Master NLP, I have dedicated more time to helping others with their challenges. I am dedicating more time to investing and creating homes for vulnerable women and the Armed Forces, offering support to help them overcome their fears and challenges. I strongly believe that change starts with you and with the right tools and the right support you can turn your world around.
You can hear more from Rak, myself and others at our annual NLP development event which we launched last year. Hold Saturday 22nd January 2022 as it's going to be a blast with lots of speakers with their take on 'How to Future Proof Your Life'. More next week.
Related Topic: Three Ways to Future Proof Your Life
To your success...
Lindsey and all at Team NLP