Making a different choice

inspiration mindset nlp personal change resilience Aug 21, 2022
Making a different choice  - Team NLP

Sometimes life sucks. It's just not fair. We know that.  And, I expect we all agree that we are living in challenging times right now.  So, what to do?  Well we have a choice to make.  From the moment we awake in the morning, we can think that we are going to have a good day full of possibilities, or we can focus on all that is negative in our lives and drag ourselves through it hoping nothing goes wrong.  The choice is always ours, so what do you choose?  

Consider for a moment. How do you live your life? Do you experience your life as hard and difficult or do you generally look on the positive side of life? I’m sure you are familiar with the ‘glass half empty/glass half full’ way of seeing the world. What about you? What is your starting point, your point of view? Some people will only see problems in a situation whereas others always see the opportunity.

Are you someone who blames others or circumstances for whatever happens or are you someone who takes responsibility for whatever happens to you in your life? For example, do you recognise yourself as someone who says ‘Yes, I’d like to but…’ or are you the person who says 'Yes, let’s go for it!’?  Are you are you buffeted by events, feeling out of control, disempowered, a victim? Or are you involved, interested and active in what you do? In NLP terms this is called either living life at effect or at cause.

My preferred choice - don't bemoan what is not as that won't change anything. Indeed, it will probably bring more of what you don't want into your life.  Live your life at cause. So, next time you are unhappy about something, ask "How can I make the best of what is?" Yes, it is all about your mindset, but your mind is what is happy or unhappy, not the situation.

Remember your Shakespeare...

"There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." Hamlet, Act II, Scene 2.

Are you ready to make a change?  Find out more about our free online introduction to NLP now.

To your success.

Lindsey and all at Team NLP