Are you on track?

goals leadership nlp personal change Jul 24, 2022

Believe it or not, we’re more than halfway through 2022.  What does this trigger in you?  Are you doing well or are your ambitions for the year far from realised? Perhaps you still feel that you are catching up with time since COVID exploded all manner of norms and routine? If so, know you are not alone. 

By challenging your progress to date this year, I want to take you back to your original intentions at the start of the year.  Ask yourself honestly, what has gone well so far, what hasn't happened yet and what can you learn from each of these questions? Moments like this, as artificial as time is, give us a chance to refocus our awareness for the rest of the year.  It was Tony Robbins who said that 'Where focus goes energy flows'. So where is your focus?  What needs to change or get even better? 

In the next few weeks, in addition to taking some necessary holiday rest, find some time to pause, reflect, and align on the best use of the second half of the year.  Here is a set of questions that we use with our NLP students:

  • Are your goals still relevant and important to you in light of everything that has happened so far this year? 
  • What could you improve on? What has gone well that can be reproduced, and how? What did you believe at the start of the year that you might change now?
  • What evidence do you have that you are on the right track? 
  • What were the positive reasons (especially emotional ones) that led you to set out on this path? Reconnect with them to give energy back to yourself. 
  • Based on your current rate of progress, what’s possible by the end of year, and how does this compare to any goals you set at the start of the year? 
  • What imaginative alternatives to what you are doing or how you are working could make your boldest ambitions possible? 

If you need any support, our next blended NLP Practitioner course will assist you to get clarity on your goals and to shift those unhelpful beliefs that may have held you back.  For more information visit our web site. 

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Wishing you every success.

Lindsey and everyone at Team NLP