What would happen if you changed what you believe is possible?
May 23, 2021
‘No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.’ Eleanor Roosevelt
How was your week? Have you downloaded our free Introduction to NLP course yet? If not, the details are at the end of this blog. Join the growing group of people who have already made a decision to improve their lives as we come out of lockdown.
This week I want to talk about our beliefs - particularly what you believe about yourself. I love the quote at the start of this blog as it is so true. We choose what we believe about ourselves, although of course, many of these beliefs are formed early on in our lives, and, at an unconscious level. We do not consciously say to ourselves this is what I am going to believe about myself. Our beliefs evolve over our lives and then we forget they are just generalisations or something that was true for us back then. The important thing to remember is that it doesn't need to be the same now. You know when you have a limiting belief about yourself because when you are presented with an opportunity to do something different or to improve a current situation, big or small, you get that nagging feeling of resistance in your stomach. And, that nagging voice in your head talks you out of it. Does this sound familiar?
To get started, specifically listen out for anytime you hear yourself say something like:
- I'm not capable enough
- I can't make the money I want
- I'm not good enough,
- I'm too old
- Others are better than me...
- I've tried it before and it didn't work
- I don't have the knowledge / skills etc
When you hear yourself saying these things to yourself or to others about yourself, check out the following:
- Where's my evidence for this?
- Where does this belief come from?
- Is it real?
I guarantee that you will begin to notice that you can change your limiting beliefs because most were never real in the first place! Keep a journal of what you notice and learn. Are you ready?
The third module of our free Introduction to NLP course is all about changing your beliefs and there is an activity to do where I guide you all the way. For most people things happen and they react. NLP offers a better way. It gives you tools to react differently by choice, to be more aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. You are then ready to take responsibility for your results in all areas of your life.
Are you ready to take our NLP course? Get started now.
Wishing you success in your life.
Lindsey and all at Team NLP