What do the marathon and NLP have in common?
Apr 21, 2024
I love to watch the marathon. Hearing the stories of motivation and determination often in tough circumstances warm my heart. It's the London Marathon today and I was inspired to watch Olympic champion, Peres Jepchirchir, sprint clear in the closing stages to take the women's elite race winning in 2:16:16, to set a new women's only world record. There were four women who had run all the way together then in the last few hundred yards Peres broke free and won. It left me wondering what helps you to find that last push when you are exhausted? Probably not many of you know but I have run four marathons in my life so far! I ran two London's and two New York marathons. I consider them to be amongst the greatest achievements of my life. Especially the New York marathon when I ran the second half quicker than the first, finishing in 3 hours 42 minutes. Whenever, I need to find that last amount of energy or determination to get something done, I think about my mindset during all of those races, and especially THAT one! In the marathon, people often talk about the 'wall' that you have to push through at some point towards the end of the race. I can say from experience that it is all about mindset at that moment in time. It is mindset and self-belief that get you over the finish line.
How do you find that mindset? I can say without a doubt that NLP gave me the focus, self-belief and determination to finish those four marathons and continues to give me the stamina and determination today to always keep going. To have a clear goal in mind and to visualise your success and to have rehearsed it to yourself many times before you do it in reality does work. Pushing through something that you might not have believed was possible for yourself then acts as a blueprint for every situation in life that follows. Every time I have been challenged since I bring back one of the specific marathon memories and I remember exactly what I saw, how I felt and what I heard...even what I smelt!
What 'marathons' have you smashed in your life and what have they taught you? And, if you are in need of more resilience, focus, determination and consistency in your life then why not explore what NLP can do for you? We have a free online course which consists of three videos and a workbook. What do you have to lose? And, what could you have to gain? Here's the link to download today:
Discover NLP An Introductory Primer
Have a great week.
From Lindsey and the team at Team NLP.