De-Cluttering Your Life and Your Mind

inspiration motivation new beginnings Feb 28, 2021
De-Cluttering Your Life neuro linguistic programming

Our weekly Team NLP blog where you will find inspiration and actionable advice on how to build healthy habits, resilience, and connections in our unprecedented times.

This week has been hectic for me and full of useful learnings as always!  We finally exchanged on our house sale  and will be off for a new adventure on the 8th March.  It has been a busy time of sorting out the loft, garage and every cupboard as we have very little storage in the new house.  I have found de-cluttering a really cathartic process.  It is very freeing to make choices to let go of things that have cluttered our lives for years.  It was time to let go of many boxes of inherited china, old work files, brochures for courses we no longer run, university papers and general rubbish. It has been fun to see the piles of things to go to the dump get bigger and bigger and the satisfaction of emptying the car into those vast containers early on a Sunday morning.  I also have put lots of stuff into an online auction today and have promised myself a small reward from the proceeds.  De-cluttering your life also helps to de-clutter your mind.  In NLP we talk about the fact that everything, which is incomplete, drains energy from you and from your success. Like keeping plates in the air -- all incomplete things drain energy from your purpose.  I must admit to taking my own advice this week and I feel lighter and liberated! 

Spinning Plates Process - an ideal challenge before lockdown ends!  

  1. Make a list of all the things you have to do--a 'To Do' List and refer to it daily.
  2. Get an Appointment Calendar. Put all your appointments on it--refer to it daily. Plan your time and stick to it
  3. Clean up your house, and/or your office.
  4. Clean up your car -- inside and out. Get it serviced.
  5. Throw away everything you don't use, haven't used in 6 months, or which is out-dated. (Keep and file all business receipts).
  6. Organise all your papers.
  7. File or throw away any unused papers.
  8. Clean out all filing cabinets. Throw away unused materials.
  9. Clean off the top of your desk. Throw away unused materials and any unneeded papers. File all papers you don't throw away.
  10. File any past tax or business filings.
  11. Get your accounts balanced. Get all financial statements (Profit & Loss, and Balance Sheet) up to date. Keep them up to date.
  12. Pay all your bills or make arrangements and/or agreements as to when you will pay them. Keep those agreements.
  13. Make a list of everyone who owes you money, or who has borrowed things. Write or call and ask for the money (or the thing borrowed), or cross the person off the list and decide it is complete.
  14. Make a list of all the things you have started but not completed. Complete the list, or cross it off and decide not to do it.
  15. Make a list of all the things you have started, are on-going, and which are in-complete. Complete the list, or cross it off and decide not to do it.
  16. Make a list of all the things, which have been going on a long time, but you have just not completed. Complete the list, or cross it off and decide not to do it.
  17. Make a list of all the agreements you've made. Fulfil all past agreements. Renegotiate and make new agreements with any that you that can't fulfil.
  18. Take total responsibility for your business/career. Do only what you can, dele- gate the rest. Agree only to what you know you can fulfil. Never commit to more than you know you can do.
  19. Take care of your physical body -- eat well, exercise well, sleep well, etc.

I can guarantee that you will feel a different person - lighter and liberated once you are done with 100% focus and energy on whatever you choose.  

Warm wishes

Lindsey and all at Team NLP

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