Could your life be better? Here is an opportunity to learn about NLP for free.
May 16, 2021
Could your life be better?
It doesn’t matter how you have lived your life until this moment. All that matters is what your dreams are, what you ache for in the future. The only moment is now. Living in the past can slow us down as much as worrying about the future. Change can happen in an instant, in the blink of an eye or the click of a finger, once you have made a decision to go for it. Think about it – you start to create your future as soon as you make a decision. I’m curious to know, could your life be better? Ask yourself the following questions to find out:
- Am I getting what I want out of life?
- Do I have stretching goals for the future?
- Am I reaching my full potential?
- Am I fulfilled by my work?
- Is my relationship the way I dreamed about?
- Do I have enough money to do what I want to do with my life?
- Is my life in balance?
- Am I happy with my body shape?
- Do I have enough energy to enjoy my day?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions there is definitely potential for your life to be different – and so much better. You probably feel right now that your life is OK and yet you have a yearning for something else. You are probably feeling rather stuck. Do you recognise this? Perhaps there is a dream you have always wanted to pursue or an area of your life that is not right yet. Tracey and I recognised that many people we meet are in this situation, especially now after living for more than a year in the pandemic. So we decided to create something for you. We have replaced our 1-day hotel based Introduction to NLP and put it on line. And, even more exciting, we want to offer it to you for free as our way of supporting you to create more choices in your life.
Unlike other approaches that tell you what you need to do, NLP is a how to technology. It tells and shows you how to be what you want to be, have what you want to have and do what you want to do. An intoxicating combination. This means it is possible to have the personal success you want right now. For most people things happen and they react. NLP offers a better way. It gives you tools to react differently by choice, to be more aware of your thoughts, feelings and behaviour. You are then ready to take responsibility for your results in all areas of your life.
Our free online Introduction to NLP is in three modules with videos and a manual will show you how to:
- Understand the background of NLP.
- Apply the NLP Communication Model and how it helps to give us more choice.
- Integrate the Rules for Success.
- Connect with frames of NLP and apply to daily life.
- Understand how energy works in your body.
- Use anchoring techniques to change your state in an instant
- Make the link between your beliefs and your success
- Change your limiting beliefs into more empowering ones.
Are you ready? Click here to get started now with FREE NLP course.
Wishing you success in your life.
Lindsey and all at Team NLP