Time to nail the basics

connection health motivation wellbeing Nov 02, 2022
Time to nail the basics - Team NLP

As the nights draw in and winter finally arrives continuing to look after ourselves is important for all of us.  And, for those of you out there caring for children, family and friends what are you doing to keep yourself fit and well?  I find myself in a situation at the moment where I am suddenly and unexpectedly a carer balancing a busy working life with caring responsibilities and so I have been practising everything I am about to share with you.  What a help it has been to keep me sane and to have the energy to deal with whatever may come up.  Here goes...

Get Outside Every Day 

It may sound cliché, but getting outside in nature really can do wonders for our wellbeing. Getting fresh air amongst nature can have a hugely calming effect, as it also allows us to absorb vitamin D from the light, which is a proven mood booster. If stress is getting on top of you, getting fresh air and a walk can be a fantastic coping mechanism. 

Digital Detox

The world is a chaotic place – especially at the moment – so giving ourselves time to switch off when we are feeling overwhelmed is really important. One great way to do this is to organise to spend time with a friend face to face and leave your phone in a drawer the whole time, Just enjoy being present in the moment and away from constantly consuming information on other people’s lives. 

Do Something Kind

When you’re feeling low or anxious, it’s easy to become consumed by your own worries or concerns. Turning your attention towards someone else – whether that’s a friend, family member or complete stranger – is often the perfect antidote. If you’re feeling low, it may feel counter intuitive to want to go out your way to do something kind for someone else. However, there is a plethora of academic research that shows being kind to others has a positive impact on your own wellbeing.  If you’re short on time or energy, you don’t need to do something big or bold, either. Spending time to chat or read to someone can work wonders. 

Shake up Your Routine

Learning a new hobby can be a great way to revive your focus and energy. Even if you don’t discover your passion, just the process of giving something a go is great for your mental health. Creative expression in particular is heavily linked to enhanced wellbeing. If you don’t feel like committing to a whole new hobby, just mixing things up in a simple way such as trying a new recipe can give you a great sense of achievement. 

Make use of free resources

If you find that you’re struggling, there are so many fantastic resources available to you online.  There are many free Apps out there. For example, My Possible Self is a free mental health app. All of its clinically certified content has been created in collaboration with world leaders in mental healthcare, the Priory Group and customised for digital use. Or download our free Introduction to NLP using the link below to learn how to take control of how you feel and to change your beliefs about what is possible for you.  

Discover the Basics An Introduction to Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Wishing you well.

Lindsey and the team at Team NLP.