How NLP can help to manage stressful thoughts

mindset nlp resilience stress May 05, 2024

Stress is the top cause of workplace absences in the UK.  So should we be thinking about how to change our lives for the better?  Daryl O'Connor professor of psychology at Leeds University said that 'the past few years represent some of the most stressful in recent times due to a combination of covid, cost of living crisis, work pressures and increased levels of social isolation.  People are more anxious than they have ever been with racing, negative thoughts the norm'.  

NLP teaches us that although we may not always be able to control what is going on around us, we can control our reaction to it.  Think of it as a choice from the moment you wake up. The first step is to SPOT what is going on.  Build your level of awareness to the thoughts that you have.  Are you largely a positive person?  Or do you tend to focus on what could go wrong or even automatically catastrophise events? 

First of all, ask yourself 'Is this thought true? Where is my evidence?  Is it as bad as I think it is in this moment?' For example, you might be thinking that you are going to mess up at work today.  Notice that thought, and if it's not true, STOP it.   SWAP it for something much more empowering such as 'I am going to do the best that I can today'. The technique of SPOT, STOP, SWAP is a useful strategy for dealing with those thoughts that are just not true.  

If by any chance the thought is true, ask yourself 'Can I do something to fix this?' as moving the brain into solution mode reduces the stress response.  Often there are small steps you can take that don't feel too stressful once you get going.  For example, if you have just scratched your car, you can't change the situation but you can get it fixed.  

If there is nothing you can do, for example, you have just lost your job, maybe there is no going back.  What is most important in this moment is to accept it, be kind to yourself and move on.  

We have our free online Introduction to NLP for you as your next step.  What are you waiting for?

Free Online Introduction to NLP Course

Wishing you a stress free week!

Lindsey and the team at Team NLP