How are you improving your mental health?
May 20, 2024
Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." — Viktor E. Frankl
It's mental health awareness month so I want to focus this blog on how NLP can help you or your loved ones to improve theirs. Our family has experienced firsthand what can happen to the physical body when the emotional body and the mind become compromised, dysregulated and out of balance. Maybe someone in your family has been been touched by mental health issues too or you know someone else who has. I'd like to celebrate mental health awareness month by sharing some key NLP inspired stress management tips that can all help to change your state in an instant:
1. Spot, stop, swap - I have talked about this technique before in my blogs. First of all notice when you are feeling stressed and your mind is full of unhelpful thoughts. Stop these thoughts by imagining a blank screen in your mind. Then swap with more positive, helpful and kind thoughts. Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.
2. Box breathing - Do four of these. Inhale for four, hold for four, breathe out for four and hold for four. Notice how you start to feel a lot calmer.
3. Experimenting with small changes - Instead of committing to extensive routines, stick with mini-practices. For example, snacking on something nutritious like a piece of fruit, stretch out for 2 minutes, write down something good in your life in three words and so on.
4. Changing your physiology - our minds and bodies are connected. The way we carry ourselves has a direct impact on the way we feel. The way we feel impacts on the way we move, talk and act. Becoming consciously aware of your physiology is a game changer! If you want to change the way you feel simply change your physiology.
5. Counting chimneys - This is a great way to change your physiology. Go out for a walk around the block and start to count the chimneys (or clouds or trees) etc. This way you are making a conscious effort to look up. When your physiology is up, your mind can't be down!
Let me know how you get on.
Warm wishes from Lindsey and the team at Team NLP.