The best way to predict your future is to create it

Dec 11, 2022
Predict your future - Team NLP

Have you seen the film 'Living' yet?  We went to watch it in the delightful 1930's cinema in our town.  Just the right venue for a film set in the 1950's. Bill Nighy plays his perfect role, as a man in a bowler hat plodding dutifully through life, commuting back and forth in the gloom to his boring job at the council. Every day is the same, he says, “one preceding the next, not happy, not unhappy”.  It's a perfect description of what I describe as the 'Grey Zone' or a state of comfortable existence, where people sell out on their dreams.  Then one day he receives a terminal diagnosis and decides to live a bit.  Mr Zombie, as he is called by his colleagues, decides to go out and get drunk.  That doesn't do it.  He finally finds some passion and peace succeeding in having a children's playground built on an old bombsite.  The film symbolised to me much of the work I have done over the last 25 years to work with others to help them find their purpose and passion in life.  

2022 has been a challenging year for many people including myself. As the year draws to a close it's hard to feel motivated when our homes are too cold, our Christmas parties and family visits have been cancelled due to rail strikes and we can't get a GP appointment.  Yet, going into 'goblin mode' and giving up and slobbing out certainly doesn't feel right either.  One answer for 2023, is to ask yourself how do you want your future to be?  Perhaps, Nighy’s approach to find purpose through achieving one goal is realistic and achievable for us all. 

If this has struck a nerve for you, consider joining us on our next NLP Practitioner course that starts on the 19th February.  It will give you the tools to move out of the grey zone and find your purposeful goal for 2023.  It's mostly online and we have payment plans available.  

Here's a link to find out more...

Empower Yourself with NLP Practitioner Certification Training

Enjoy your week and stay warm!

Lindsey and all at Team NLP.