Could you do with a confidence boost?

Nov 13, 2022
Confidence boost? - TeamNLP

Imagine a confidence dial with the numbers 0 - 10 on it.  It represents your level of confidence in being able to achieve what you want in your life...or even what you want to achieve this week.  What number would you turn the dial towards if zero is no confidence and 10 equals all the confidence in the world to have/do/be what you want?  Have a think about what it would take to dial it up to the next highest, number or the one after that. 

In NLP we learn how to take much more control over how we feel moment to moment. We begin to steer our own course rather than someone else or something else doing it for us.  One simple way of doing this is to use positive experiences we have had in the past and use them in the present moment to help empower us.  If you take a specific memory where you were totally confident and imagine floating back inside that memory right now so you are looking through your own eyes.  What are you seeing, hearing, feeling about that situation?  Turn up all your senses, especially your feelings.  Now ask yourself where would you turn the dial?  I know it will have moved up.  Notice how it has helped you to immediately feel more confident.  Of course confidence is about many things especially what we believe is possible for ourselves.  And, this simple technique will help to shift your personal confidence dial immediately.

As a trainer of NLP, I am always immeasurably proud when my students take their knowledge out into the world.  This week I want to give a shout out to Anne Linsell, one of my Master Practitioners.  Anne recognises that pushing yourself outside of your confidence zone is hard.  She has created a workshop called 'Unleash Your Superpower' which will give you lots of tips and hacks to improve your confidence.  It's online on the 8th December between 19.30 - 20.30 and costs £25.  Find out more and buy your tickets here:

Tap into Your Potential Unleash Your Superpower

Enjoy the results I know you will get from this event.  

Finally, what's your intention this week?  Set yourself a small goal.  Keep it simple, Take it one day at a time and let's smash it this week.  You've got this!

To your success...Lindsey and all at Team NLP