Team NLP Membership Club
You are invited to join our tribe, we really want you to join us and collaborate with us to build an ethical, professional and inspiring community.
Why we want you in our tribe
When you train with us whether it is a short course or a full certification programme we are invested in you. We want you to succeed and to help you along your success pathway.
- To give you ongoing support beyond your training.
- So we can answer your questions and help you implement your NLP skills.
- Whether you are qualified in NLP with lots of experience, newly trained or not yet trained with a genuine interest, we are here for you.
- We want you to enjoy a community of like minded people and to share ideas and best practice.
- We ensure all of our graduates achieve excellence, being part of our community gives you continuing professional development.
- We want you to stay to continue learning and exploring related fields of professional development.
- Together we nurture curiosity within a vibrant community, learning together, sharing ideas and having fun.
We give you value
To join us your investment is only £4.99 a month, or £50 per annum. PLUS we give you the first 30 days for free so you can experience it for yourself. Together we will collaborate to build a co-creative community for people already qualified in NLP to enhance and practice your skills. Or people with a genuine interest in NLP and personal development who want to learn more.
Meet your trainers:
Lindsey Agness
Lindsey is the founder and managing director of Team NLP. She is the first woman Master Trainer of NLP in the UK accredited through the American Board of NLP. She trains and coaches using NLP for both personal and corporate development. She is also an award-winning author of four books on NLP and change.
Tracey Gray
Tracey is a Trainer of NLP, A HeartMath Resilience Trainer and Trainer and Master Coach of mBraining. Tracey has a professional background in nursing, education and senior management within the NHS where she developed and delivered NLP programmes and interventions which led to 2 prestigious national awards.
To get monthly Continuing professional development and social learning
Your success is our success...
Listen to what one of our current members has to say about his experience.
What's included in my membership?
- A team of highly experienced NLP master trainer and trainers.
- Access to Team NLP learning platform full of resources for you.
- A monthly development session on the learning platform.
- A monthly online live practice and social learning group.
- A private Facebook group where you can post and interact with the community.
- Weekly facebook live sessions.
- 5% discount on all Team NLP products and services.
- A regular blog
- The opportunity to be a paid coach on Team NLP courses.
- An annual transformational even with the chance to be a speaker.
What subjects will be covered in the monthly development sessions?
Here are just a few examples of what you will learn. These can be subject to change so that our development sessions are current and reflect the needs of our members. As a member you can also request a subject of your own choice.
Don't think of a bar of chocolate
In this session we explore the importance of a positive mindset and the importance of what you focus on How this can influence your results..
What's stopping you?
we explore the idea of cause and effect, and give some very practical tips on how to get rid of the excuses that have held you back.
Who do you think you are?
An exploration of perception is projection and the different lenses we use.
Spring into health
As winter turns to spring we explore how NLP can help you develop a healthy lifestyle.
What colour is your headache?
A review of Submodalities, the difference that makes the difference and how to use them for positive outcomes.
Would you like a magic button?
We delve into the importance of emotions and how we can control them rather than the other way round.
How do I join?
- Click on any of the buttons or scroll to the end of this page.
- Decide if you want to pay monthly or annually and click on the offer.
- Remember you will get a 30 day trial.
- Once you have signed up you will receive an e mail with full joining instructions .
- If you still have questions you can email us at [email protected]